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Blogging with Vuepress Theme

O-h-y-o약 2 분

Blogging with Vuepress Theme

Let's create a development blog with the Vuepress Hope theme.

pnpm create vuepress-theme-hope [dir]
  • In [dir], you must put the name of the actual folder you want to create.
package manager
Project Name
Project version
Project description
multiple languages
github workflow
type of project
initialize repo
  • You have to make about 10 choices.

When the project is created, go to the GitHub homepage and create a github public repo with the name username.github.io. Don't touch anything, just write the repo name and create it.

Edit Permissions

Create a repo, go to Settings tab => Actions => General, change the Workflow permissions option to Read and write permissions and click Save.


vuepress hope provides a github actions template by default.

# deploy-docs.yml
- name: Install pnpm
  uses: pnpm/action-setup@v2
    run_install: true

There is something called Install pnpm in the middle, and you need to put the version as follows.

# deploy-docs.yml
- name: Install pnpm
  uses: pnpm/action-setup@v2
    version: 8
    run_install: true

Before uploading the source to Git, let's test the build.

pnpm run docs:build

When 'useXXX() is called without provider' error occurs

An error occurs when there is a version of the library that is not compatible with vuepress.
vp-update will automatically set the version to a version compatible with vuepress.

$ pnpm dlx vp-update

If the build was successful, let's upload the source to the Git repository.

I will open a terminal in the project created with vuepress and upload the source by connecting to the git repository.

$ git init
$ git remote add origin [url]
$ git branch -m master main
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "message"
$ git push

Branch error

If you get a branch error in git push, please enter the following command.

$ git push --set-upstream origin main

If you have uploaded everything up to this point in the git repo, a new branch called gh-pages should have been created if you did not modify the .yml file separately during the build.

This time, I will go to Settings tab => Pages and change Branch to gh-pages in Build and deployment and Save.

After waiting for a while, go to username.github.ioopen in new window and you will see a pretty home page. If it is not uploaded to the home page, please push it to the Git repository once more.