Creating an exchange page with Upbit Open API - Settings
1분 미만
Creating an exchange page with Upbit Open API - Settings
The things to be implemented are charts using Echarts, order book (general quotation), coin list, and contract details.
Before that, let's start with a simple setup.
$ pnpm create quasar
1. vue3
2. pinia
3. typescript
4. composition api
5. scss
- Build with Quasar cli.
// global.d.ts
export {};
declare global {}
- First, create a global.d.ts file to collect types in the project root folder.
// socket-upbit.ts
export const useSocketUpbitStore = defineStore({
id: "socketStore",
state: (): ISocketState => ({}),
actions: {},
- Create a
file in the stores folder.
Some data will be managed by pinia. There is no need to manage the state with pinia.
// routes.ts
import { RouteRecordRaw } from "vue-router";
const routes: RouteRecordRaw[] = [
path: "/",
name: "home",
component: () => import("src/pages/HomePage.vue"),
path: "/exchange",
name: "exchange",
component: () => import("src/pages/ExchangePage.vue"),
path: "/:catchAll(.*)*",
redirect: () => {
return "/";
export default routes;
- Create
in pages folder and add it in routes.ts.