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Using HTTPS with Cloudfront

O-h-y-o약 1 분

Using HTTPS with Cloudfront

First, we will issue an SSL certificate from AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).

  1. Go into AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).
  2. Click Request Certificate and select Request Public Certificate.
  3. Enter the domain name (purchased domain) and click the Request button at the bottom.

Now let's set up CloudFront.

  1. CloudFront Click the Create CloutFront distribution button.
  2. Select the source domain and click Use website endpoint.
  3. Select HTTP only for Protocol and enter {{domain}}.s3-website.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com for Name. No EC2 server or S3 work required for HTTPS.
  4. Select Viewer Protocol Policy => Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Default Cache Behavior.
  5. Select Web Application Firewall. In my case, I selected Enable and also selected Use Monitor mode.
  6. In Settings, select the price category you want. In my case, I selected 'Used in North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa'.
  7. Click Add Alternate Domain Name (CNAME) entry and enter the {domain.comopen in new window} domain.
  8. For 'Custom SSL Certificate', select the certificate issued by ACM.

CloudFront setup is finished.

Now let's go back to Route53 and add another routing record for CloudFront.

  1. S3 => Delete the record that allowed http://domain.comopen in new window to be accessed by Route53.
  2. Click Create Record in Route53.
  3. Turn on the alias switch and select 'Alias ​​for CloudFront distribution' as the traffic route destination.
  4. Click Select Distribution to select a cloudfront domain name and create a record.

::: tips

S3 => Route53 is using http,
S3 => Cloudfront => Route53 is https use.

This is the code to invalidate the cache in github actions. Just run it after the S3 upload.
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ${{ secrets.AWS_DISTRIBUTION_ID }} --paths "/*"

AWS_DISTRIBUTION_ID is your Cloudfront ID.


Now you can check that https://domain.comopen in new window is entering well.